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February 12, 2016

3 Tips for Proving Your Innocence in a Domestic Violence Case

Filed under: Domestic Violence — Tags: , — admin @ 10:05 am

Domestic violence is a very serious charge in Arizona. In some cases, the person charged with the crime was falsely accused. In others, the person accused was acting out of self-defense. No matter the circumstances behind the charges, the goal of an experienced criminal defense lawyer is to get to the bottom of it and […]

November 25, 2015

When Good Juries Make Bad Verdicts

In a court of law it may feel like you are at the mercy of a judge or jury and, in many ways, that is accurate. In Arizona, your criminal attorney’s job is to represent you in a way that casts reasonable doubt on the prosecution’s case. It’s nice to prove innocence, but not necessarily […]

September 30, 2015

What to do if You Have Been Falsely Accused of a Crime

When a person has been falsely accused of a crime, it is stressful – even insulting – to defend themselves against the charges. In a perfect world, innocence would be recognized immediately and there would never be a need for these cases to go to court. The truth is, many gray areas exist in the […]

August 31, 2015

Alternatives to Drunk Driving in Phoenix

Arizona is known for some of the most stringent DUI and traffic laws in the country. As such, Arizona criminal attorneys have had to develop aggressive techniques to fight for our clients and receive the best outcomes possible in a court of law. Legal action is an effective method of protecting yourself after receiving a […]