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August 31, 2015

Alternatives to Drunk Driving in Phoenix

Arizona is known for some of the most stringent DUI and traffic laws in the country. As such, Arizona criminal attorneys have had to develop aggressive techniques to fight for our clients and receive the best outcomes possible in a court of law. Legal action is an effective method of protecting yourself after receiving a […]

May 12, 2015

Prevent Bicycle Accidents with Proper Safety

Filed under: Arizona's Laws,DUI,DWI,Traffic Offenses — Tags: , , — admin @ 10:17 am

May is National Bike Month, and with it comes a great need for bicycle safety awareness – both for bicyclists themselves and for motor vehicle operators. Bicyclists are at greater risk for accidents and injury simply because of their size relative to the size of vehicles frequently on the road with them. In fact, motorcyclists […]

August 18, 2014

Arizona’s Unique Laws

Filed under: Arizona Criminal Law,Arizona's Laws — admin @ 10:53 am

Arizona’s continually evolving and ever-changing laws can be difficult to keep up with. Whether in regards to immigration, gun control, crime, or other serous societal issues, it is essential for residents to stay current so that they can protect themselves against potential offenses in the future. At the Blumenreich Law Firm, we understand that a […]