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September 10, 2014

The Breakdown of Traffic Offenses

Filed under: DUI,Traffic Offenses — admin @ 10:48 am

shutterstock_50530138Have you or a loved one been charged with a traffic offense? If so, The Blumenreich Law Firm can help. As an experienced criminal lawyer, Blumenreich understands how harsh Arizona’s traffic laws have become over the past few years. A metropolis such as Phoenix provides regulators with a large pool of drivers to observe and catch. Whether it’s for speeding or mistakenly making a wide turn, getting pulled over does have its consequences. That is where legal counsel from a professional such as Blumenreich comes in hand.

There are several types of traffic offenses that one may be accused of, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Driving without a license
  • Driving without registration
  • Driving without a seatbelt
  • Speeding
  • Hit and run accident
  • Illegal U-turn
  • Wide turn
  • Running a stop sign or red light
  • Driving under the influence

Accordingly, the above traffic offense can result in several different forms of penalties. These may include the suspension of a license, fines, driving school, community service, citations, or prison.

These consequences, while dependent on the severity of the offense, will ultimately hurt an individual’s driving record if not properly dealt with and resolved by a legal representative. For instance, a history that includes violations marks the individual as a “high-risk” driver, which signals a red flag. Insurance companies see this and automatically raise their auto rates. When several traffic offenses occur, points begin to rack up on a driver’s license. With these accumulated points come more and more driving restrictions, such as increased auto insurance costs and requirements, or suspended licenses.

In order to avoid a traffic ticket, there are preventative measures that should be taken. Careful driving is the surest way to prevent an offense, and there are several ways to exercise this. Take the following advice to heart in order to practice safety on the road:

  • Pay close attention to signs that regulate turns, stops, etc.
  • Use blinkers when changing lanes and directions, and keep an eye out for vehicles in “blind spots.”
  • Regulate speed; avoid the fast lane if necessary.
  • Maintain the vehicle to keep tags, taillights and other factors working and up to date.
  • Stay focused by evading distractions such as phone calls, food consumption, and the radio.

If you have been accused of a traffic offense and are seeking legal counsel to represent your case, contact us today. The Blumenreich Law Firm is here to help minimize or remove the penalty. Whether from a DUI or speeding ticket, we will ensure that your rights are protected.